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Brief Introduction of Lancang Ancient Tea Ltd.

Brief Introduction of Lancang Ancient Tea Ltd.

Lancang Ancient Tea Ltd. with a former name Lancang Country Ancient Tea Factory of JinMai Mountain, established in 1966.

In 2005, the People's Government of Pu're City in Yunnan Province of PRC confirmed that our company was one of the most advanced enterprises in manufacturing pu're tea.

Nowadays, based on the garden of ancient tea trees of thousands of years' history in JinMain Mountain, we have more than 14,000 Mu tea garden of high yield and quality (Mu is a Chinese Area unit. 14000 Mu equals to approximate 2306.35 acres).

We have 11 bases of processing tea materials in Lancang River Valley.

With 45 years' experiences of manufacturing tea products of raw materials collected from ancient tea trees in JinMai Mountain,

we have been producing some amazing pu'er tea products, such as "001 Pu'er Tea" and "0085 Pu'er Tea", both are the treasure in Pu'er Tea Industry.

Our CEO Ms. DuChunYi is a sincere person who is accomplished in manufacturing tea.

From 1966, the year in which our company established, Ms. DuChunYi has engaged herself in tea industry.

In 2007, She was awarded the most glorious prize TEA-HORSE-PRIZE in the Fair of "Awards for Ten Global Outstanding Pu'er Tea People".

Ms. DuChunYi concentrates all her energies in the professional tea manufacturing, that makes her a great People in Pu'er Tea Industry.


2012-06-07 11:23:15 |  浏览 (1007) | 
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2012-03-23 13:53:53 |  浏览 (482) | 
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